Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Or if you're not into the whole superficial, couples-only day, then happy Single Awareness Day! Personally, I do think that Valentine's day isn't as meaningful as some make it out to be. But nevertheless, I spent last night preparing a gift for my servant-boy.

I'm honestly so crappy, I bought his gift only yesterday. While my boyfriend was there. In the store. A few feet away.
I told him to stay put whilst I hid the gift behind me and scurried off to the cashier. It's the thought that counts, right?

What is that mug doing behind the vase??

Earlier in the day, one of my friends told me that she didn't think that Valentine's day was all that special for her and her boyfriend; for them, it was just like any other day when they went out on a date. But I personally disagree. It's not everyday that my boyfriend buys me a rose. And it doesn't matter that it was a last-minute thing (just like my gift was). I would have kicked him if he didn't get me a flower.

Thank you Ander.


  1. I agree that it's the thought that counts! And that you bought the gift with him standing so close makes things more exciting imo :D

    1. Ha ha, yeah it was really.. thrilling XD ? Lol

  2. Hehe cute present ! I think Valentine's Day is a great day, and I agree I think it's important too ^^ There are no other sweet days like this

  3. I love your photos! They're very cozy looking <3

  4. It's definitely the thought that counts :) and you are a sweet gf! btw, these pictures are amazing! did you take them yourself?

    1. Ha ha, I'm sweet only sometimes XD yes I took these pictures myself ! :)

  5. I am with you! Valentines day is just an excuse to go for dinner or for a long walk. But in reality - Valentines day feels as though it's any other day. Me and my boyfriend have celebrated some years and other years just slept the day through.

    Love your blog - the images are so dream like!

    sending you happy spells
    (p.s found it kind of funny that the word verification said "valentine"...)


  6. Those flowers are so beautiful! And they look so lovely in that vase! And it's definitely the thought that counts-- you love him errday, and that's what counts, you don't have to show him spectacularly on ONE day!

    1. Yeah, I don't need just one day to show him my lurve! Although when there's a special day, it gives me more pressure-- in a good way. Because I stop all the work I'm doing and make time for something sweet like this! :3

  7. I always think Valentine's Day is just an excuse for the companies to make money, it's a great business opportunity, but for normal people really not that special. If you are really in love, everyday can be a Valentine's Day.

    I really love the tones of your photos, amazing. <3

  8. The rose is so beautiful, so elegant! But personally I feel valentines day has no point; like someone else already said, 'everyday could be like valentines day.' There is nothing significant to define this day <3

  9. Haha, well since you both got each other last minute gifts I suppose it's not bad at all. Besides, I love how you clipped it all together with the little bear!

    I don't know. I just use it as an excuse to make a fun day out of it I guess. This year it felt very happy and relaxed even though I didn't do many special things at all:)

  10. hello!!
    thank you for visiting my blog!
    your blog is so cuuuute
    and i like your picture with your new haircut! its super cool!!

  11. Your blog is soo cute!!!!

